[Benefits of continuing acupuncture]
It has been 21 years since I obtained my license as an acupuncturist and massage therapist.
I recently discovered a common characteristic among people who have seen many bodies and continue to practice acupuncture.
That is the "neck" in the back view.
People who continue acupuncture have slim necks.
If blood circulation to the neck and shoulders is poor, starting around the age of 40, the neck will become thicker and become two-tiered with horizontal lines.
Your neck can easily show your age from the front, but it can also show your age from the back.
Acupuncture can reach muscles that cannot be reached with massage, and acupuncture at pressure points on the neck can also be effective against eye strain and headaches.
If you have severe neck or eye strain when you come for treatment, please let us know your symptoms so we can focus on your treatment.